Patagonia Wildflowers
Wildflower Identification
Search for wildflowers by location,
color, shape and time
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You can search for plants by location, color, number of petals and time of observation. Your search can use any combination of these criteria. Use the search menus on the left to set the search criteria.

First Step -- Set the Location

The first thing you should do is set the location. If you don't set the location the program will show you tropical plants in Punta Arenas. The easiest way to set the location is to click on the Set New Location button and use the Google pop-up map. You can zoom with the "+" and "-" controls and drag the map with the mouse. When you find the location where the flowers were observed use a single mouse click to set the location.

Second Step -- Set the Time of Year

Often, plants are observed because of their flowers. In this case you are setting the time you saw the plant flowering. To set the time that you observed the plant use the Observation Time button. This will show you a calendar allowing you to select the week of observation. If you have just seen the plant you can select "Now" to see plants that are blooming now.

Last Step -- Set Category, Petals, Color or Leaf Arrangement

After the first two steps you will see pictures of flowers. When you find a picture that looks right, click on the photo. This will show you links to where you can find more photos and information about that plant.

The number of photos can be so large that it takes a long time to view all of them. If you do not see the flower that you are looking for right away, add additional search criteria. The Plant Category button lets you select between Wildflowers, Trees & Shrubs or Non-Flowering Plants. The Flower Petals button lets you select flowers with a certain number of petals. The Flower Color button shows you flower colors restricting the search to flowers that can have a certain color. The Leaf Attachment button allows you to restrict the search to plants with certain leaf arrangements. The more search criteria you add the more you will zero-in on the flower you are looking for.

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